

GNEMA Member Benefits

We are a regional association that works in cooperation with other industry associations, local, state, and federal agencies, legislators, vendors who serve the industry, travel supplies, such as attractions/destinations, and other entities to promote the betterment and welfare of our industry, members, and Association objectives. We are proud of the work we do on our Members' behalf and strive to bring more value each year.  Aside from our dedicated Board of Directors, we have six (6) active committees who meet quarterly and work in the areas of Safety, Legislative, Finance, Meetings, Membership Governance and Scholarship. 

Advocacy & Communications

  • The GNEMA advocates for business in the motorcoach industry at both the state, regional and national levels.  We remain involved at a national level through our relationships with the American Bus Association, the United Motorcoach Association, and the National Association of Motorcoach Operators.  Together we have advocated for the motorcoach and travel industry by working and meeting with our local legislators on a variety of topics to support our members. Two examples include our work to get co-sponsors to support the CERTS Tax Exemption bill, and we made our Members' concerns heard on Congestion Tolling. 
  • The GNEMA also contracts with an active lobbyist who keeps us abreast on legislative matters that directly impact your business.
  •  We consistently bring information to help navigate the regulatory and compliance aspects of running your business from our timely member alerts, calls to action, newsletters and multi-social media page updates.  Access to communications including press releases, member alerts, #MemberMondays, industry news, and newsletters. Have your company listed and gain access to our printed Membership directory updated and distributed annually.
  • Our association management system gives our Members the opportunity to self-manage their GNEMA membership and gain easy access to resources and benefits, as well as self-service tools with the ease of accessing association information and fellow member contacts.

Events, Programs & Networking

  • We continue to bring excellent programming during our in-person events. Our meetings are educational, inspiring and even fun!  
  • GNEMA members receive reduced event registration pricing.
  • GNEMA Membership Meetings – GNEMA holds two membership meetings each year; one in the Spring and one in the Fall.   These are great opportunities to learn, share and network with the top bus owners/tour operators and vendors in the Greater Northeast area, as well as hear experts speak on important industry issues.  Our GNEMA members do a lot of business together. Whether it is helping each other out with big moves, booking charter trips to some of our favorite member destinations or helping you finance a new bus, our members work together.
  • GNEMA’s Safety Training/Driver Appreciation Day – learn about important safety topics and celebrate our region’s best drivers. 
  • We continue to support the initiatives of young minds in their pursuit of higher education with our Scholarship Program. We also recognize excellence and safety at the workplace with the Motorcoach Professional Awards.
  • Annual Motorcoach Professional Awards - Honors employees that demonstrate excellence and professionalism in the industry.
  • Scholarship Program - developed to promote higher education goals of our Members, and their families, whether it be to pursue a college degree or a trade certification.
  • Educational Seminars and Online Learnings– hear from important speakers on relative issues as topics arise.  We have educated our members on topics including ADA Compliance, TSA T-Start Security Planning, Driver Recruiting and Retention, Crisis Management, Driver Safety in Criminal Investigations and Driving Hazards.
  • Golf Outings - our Scholarship Program is funded by our golf outing held each Fall.
  • Meet & Mingle - our Meet & Mingle brings operators, tour companies, suppliers, destination, and tourism partners together to create more business and learning opportunities.
  • Group Leader Marketplace – The Group Leader’s Marketplace is for our Destination & Tourism partners.  Our Members bring buses full of group leaders to peruse the exhibit hall and learn about all the fun places they can book tours to.  Open to all attractions/destinations, this is one of the largest and most successful Marketplaces in the region. Members who participate gain revenue opportunities for booking tour groups.
  • Mini-Marketplace – The Mini-Marketplace is for our Allied Members and Sponsor Partners who provide products and/or services the Motorcoach and Bus industry owners and operators.  We set up tables at both membership meetings.  Our Members will seek out and visit you to either say hello to you as old friends, get introduced to you if unfamiliar and of course, learn about your products and services.


  • Members get the opportunity to support a great industry and get their business services and products in the spotlight.  A Platinum, Gold or Silver annual sponsorship yields benefits above and beyond a regular membership offering.  Download a summary of Sponsorship Benefits.

Discount Programs

  • Parking Rates – GNEMA Members receive exclusive discounted parking rates through B&B Parking in Atlantic City. 
  • Caesars, Tropicana, and Harrah’s offers complimentary parking in their transportation centers for GNEMA Operators, for both DAY and OVERNIGHT trips that are booked with any of the (3) Caesars Entertainment Casinos in Atlantic City. This applies for trips arriving Monday through Friday all year long. Parking is based on availability.
  • Summons Management Program - GNEMA Members receive a 20% discount from M&S Parking for fighting NYC parking tickets.
  • Employee Perks Program - GNEMA Members receive 20-60% off on theme parks, attractions, Broadway shows, events, hotels, concerts, sporting events, and more.
  • Email Marketing through Constant Contact- Exclusive offer for our Members.  Free 60 day trial, after your trial ends, enjoy up to a 25% discount.
  • Outcome-Based Safety Training Solutions with Avatar Management Solutions - Our partnership will provide expert safety and risk management services, including world class education, training, and certification to GNEMA members.  Members are billed an exclusive monthly flat rate and can cancel any time with 60 day notice. No set up or surprise fees. GNEMA members will enjoy a lifetime 20% discount.
  • T-Mobile for Business, is providing members and partners of the Greater Northeast Motorcoach Association (GNEMA) with special pricing and access for the following business and consumer related services:  Free Business iPhones w/line activations, GPS Tracking & Vehicle Connected Camera solutions, Broadband On-The-Go w/Unlimited Data & Video Stream Capability, Direct Connect Push to Talk Walkie-Talkie Devices.
  • Mitigate Violation Risks & Costs from NYC’s Anti-Idling Enforcement Program  Matt Daus, former NYC TLC Commissioner, and his transportation law team is providing an exclusive discount program for Greater Northeast Motorcoach Association members. Now members can access Matt's firms' assistance with disputing summons, inclusive of a 40-50% discount.

Join Today

What are you waiting for? Join others in your industry today for endless opportunities and benefits for you and your business.

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